Monday, June 30, 2008

There's 120 New Laws in Indiana Today

More than 120 new laws take effect July 1 in Indiana, including the sampling below:

HEA 1042 -- Intent to sell sexually explicit products. Requires that anyone intending to sell sexually-explicit materials, products, or services to register and file a statement with the Indiana Secretary of State. NOTE: Some parts of this law are already being tested through lawsuits filed.

SEA 192 -- Truth in music advertising. Prohibits a person from advertising or conducting a live musical performance or production by falsely, deceptively, or misleadingly implying that there is an affiliation between the performing group and the recording group.

SEA 62 -- Posting notice of foreclosure sale. Eliminates the former requirement that a sheriff posts notice of a foreclosure sale in at least three public places where the real estate is located.

SEA 27 -- Cooling off period for domestic battery. Requires a facility having custody of a person arrested for a crime involving domestic violence to keep the person in custody for at least eight hours from the time of the arrest and prohibits that person from being released on bail during that eight-hour period, the "cooling off" period.

SEA 258 -- Discharge of long-term inmates must include access to the Internet for employment matters. Also requires when sex or violent offenders register they include electronic mail address, instant messaging username, electronic chat room username, or social networking web site username that the sex or violent offender uses or intends to use. The offender must also sign consent authorizing the search of the offender's personal computer or any device with Internet capability at any time and installation of hard/software to monitor the offender's Internet usage. Also notes school corporations shall include in curriculum instruction about safe Internet usage. NOTE: Some parts of this law are already being tested through lawsuits filed.


Three more examples of regulations effective today:

Breast-feeding mothers will be helped by Senate Bill 219, introduced by Sen. Vi Simpson (D-Bloomington). Under the new law effective today, businesses with more than 25 employees must provide a private, designated area for women to pump milk and a refrigerator for storage of it. Reportedly, Indiana is one of tweleve states to implement such regulations.

House Bill 1052, authored by Rep. Tim Neese (R-Elkhart), obligates the drivers involved to help others at automobile crash scenes, or the passengers to help out if the driver is incapacitated. It stems from an accident, involving three young men, when the driver was trapped in a vehicle while submerged in water, while his two passengers fled.

Bars and taverns may now offer pull tabs and other low-stakes gambling games, such as punchboards and tip boards, as of today. So, you can wager at your favorite watering hole this evening, as long as the owner paid his/her $250 fee and agreed to a 10% excise tax.

This blog post by Chris Wathen was also published in his Linton, Indiana based Greene County Daily World blog entitled, “Riddle Me This”.

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